Personal Branding
At the begging of the year, we were given the task to make our own personal brand to use throughout our careers. The thought process and the ideation below hope will show you how I strongly work through showing my thoughts of not just this project, but all of them. As well as working at a fast rate to make tough decisions.
Time Line
Sketches of Logo ideas
Mood Boards
Take it to the computer
Style Guide

These were sketches of the ideas I was thinking that I would like to add to my brand. Messed around with color and black and white to see what I thought really fit me.

These are the mood boards that I created after some of the sketches. I wanted to see the different identities that I aligned myself with. I eventually picked the left mood board to go with for the rest of my branding.

Since I went with that mood board I then went to the computer and took some of my drawings and implemented the fonts to make the outcomes what I was looking for, ultimately I went with the last style choice.

We then needed to make stationery that went with our branding, a letterhead, a resume, business cards, and a style guide. I hope you enjoyed walking through the process of my brand identity.